Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Secret : Aspirin masks

Hello ladies!

It's such a beautiful warm day outside! I feel so rejuvenated and cheerful! :D

Today's Sunday Secret post is about ASPIRIN. We probably all took aspirin at some point for some kind of pain but do you know there is so much more you can do with aspirin? Aspirin masks have helped me keep my acne under control in my teenager days, I used concentrated pastes for spot-treatment and even aspirin water is amazing in those hot summer days when you sweat a lot and maybe touch your face more than you should!

So here are the uses that I found work best for me:

Did you wake up to see a huge red spot in your face and you have an important day/date?

You can create a thick aspirin paste by smashing a few tablets and adding a few drops of either  simple water or lemon juice/tomato juice 


Then you can decide whether to apply the paste on the actual spot


Or on your hole face if it's a full breakout (avoiding eye and mouth area!!)

You can leave it anywhere from 30 min to 1 hour depending on the severity of the breakout and your time :)

But I have to warn you that aspirin masks DRIES OUT the skin severely!!

So make sure you deep moisturize your skin after every use and if your skin becomes very flaky and tight you minimize the usage of the mask to a few times / once a week and leave it on less than 30 min.

Hope you find this post useful!

Have a great sunny day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday I'm in love

Hello ladies!

This is the first "edition" of Friday I'm in love and I wanned to start off by telling you what this is about...well sometimes the posts are a little impersonal so I wanned to give you a sneak peak into things that inspire me, things that make my heart sing or that I just feel that are true and reflect who I am more so that you can get to know me a little better. I hope you like my idea :)

Today I'm in love with...

Untitled #168

Short sleeve shirt
$80 -

Balmain blue jeans
€690 -

Mel flat shoes
$64 -

€13 -

Disney couture jewelry
£24 -

Would you wear this outfit? 
Or maybe it's not quite your style?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

NOTWednesday: Cherry Blossoms

Hello gorgeous ladies!

I feel spring is right around the corner so I thought I would welcome it with this colorful and very springy design!

What I used for this cute design:

  • Flormar 424 (Minty Green - super trendy this spring) - 2 coats
  • Acrylic paints - Red&White for the 2 shades of pink
  • Acrylic paint - Black for branches and stems
Hope you give this design a try! 
It's very simple and you can make mistakes and still get a cute result!:D

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Facts: 7 Deadly Sins TAG

Hello ladies!
Astazi v-am pregatit un tag preluat de la LILI. Este foarte dragut si sper sa va placa :)
1. Lăcomie - Care este cel mai ieftin produs cosmetic pe care îl ai? Şi care este cel mai scump?
uhm...cel mai ieftine produse cred ca sunt cele la 8 lei de la elf iar cel mai scump probabil pudra mac mineralize skin finish natural.

2. Manie - Care este produsul cu care te afli într-o relaţie de iubire/ură? Ce produs a fost foarte greu de găsit?
Intr-o relatie de love/hate sunt cu primerul de la elf...imi place mult pe zona T dar imi usuca tenul daca o depasesc :p Produs foarte greu de gasit? hmmm...Carmex.. In urma cu cateva luni bune cand am inceput sa il folosesc nu era asa popular si am intrebat in muuuulte farmacii pana sa il gasesc.

3. Poftă - Care este cel mai delicios produs cosmetic / îngrijire corporală?
Untul de corp Fennel cu vanilie.

4. Lene - Ce produs neglijezi din cauza lenei?
Măştile de faţă si par...maxim de 2 ori pe luna ajung sa le fac :(

5. Mîndrie - Ce produs îţi dă mai multă încredere în tine?
Anti-cearcăn+pudra... nu ma pot lipsi de niciunul dintre ele

6. Rîvnă - Ce atribute găseşti foarte atrăgătoare la sexul opus?
Bunele maniere, simtul umorului si increderea (a nu se intelege aroganta)

7. Invidie - Ce produse ţi-ar plăcea să primeşti cadou?
Am un wishlist destul de lung :( incet incet am mai taiat din ele dar imi doresc mult Vitalumiere de la Chanel si niste pensule Real Techniques :D

Mi-ar placea mult sa stiu raspunsurile voastre la aceste intrebari 
asa ca pasez "leapsa" tuturor cititoarelor mele!
Va pup!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Secret : Honey Masks

Hello ladies!

First of all starting today I will post every other day and I will have a dedicated day for each type of post...It's kinda like having sections to my blog...Monday I will post random stuff like Reviews, Rants, Tags, Hauls and all that stuff, Wednesday I will post my nails of the week, Friday an inspirational picture or quote something that represents who I am, what I feel or what I like lately...and then Sunday I will post a Home Made thing, a DIY or a Tip/Trick thing :) 

I really hope you like my new ideas and I looks forward to hear any requests/ideas from you guys!

For today's Sunday Secret I wanned to share with you a simple, cheap and very common product found in almost all homes that changed my life!

Since I discovered honey home made masks a few months back, my skin has changed dramatically! 

I have COMBINATION skin and I used to not get even a day without a pimple...small or big, one or several, there was just no way I could go a day without one no matter my skincare routine!
And then I started using honey masks and all that is HISTORY! I still have some scarring that I'm trying to get rid off but now I can use tinted moisturizers, BB creams, or just concealer here and there and be out the door! And I can't stress how happy and confident that makes me feel!! :D

Ok now for the actual masks, there are several different combinations you can try depending on your skin, your problems, the extent of your problems and of course, what you can find around your house :)

Here are some ideas of honey masks that work amazingly (leave them for 30-45 min avoiding the eye area):

(I recommend using this masks in the shower or over a pot of steaming water with a towel over the head to help the honey reach the deeper skin layers)

        Honey + Cinnamon : for acne, breakouts or simply acne prone skin.

        Honey + Cinnamon + Milk : for acne with a tendency of dry skin (a lot of flakes of the affected areas) or simply for dry skin that needs a deep moisturizing mask 

        Honey + Cinnamon + Lemon Juice : for extended acne scarring - the lemon juice helps lighten the      scars and plumps/firms up the skin.

         Honey + Aspirin : for teenage-like skin with massive breakouts

You will not recognize your skin after using these masks, I promise you! 

You can use them daily or just a few times a week or just once a week depending on the severity of your problems :)

It will leave your skin so soft, moisturized and silky and they instantly reduce inflammation and redness!

EXTRA : You can use honey for your hair as well! Use a mask made out of honey and hot olive oil for about an hour before washing your hair or over night if you have time to wash your hair in the morning! For very dry damaged skin you can add some hot milk as well :D

Please let me know if you try this mask and how it works for you!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My 2 cents: Crema vitaminizanta de zi cu ulei de masline si catina - Cosmetic Plant

Hello ladies!

Stiu ca anul trecut in urma unei campanii Trender multe fete au primit spre review crema vitaminizanta de zi cu ulei de masline si catina de la Cosmetic Plant insa eu am achizitionat-o de curand cand am ramas fara crema mea obisnuita de fata si vreau sa va impartasesc opinia mea despre acest produs.

Am mai folosit in trecut diverse creme pe baza de plante si alte ingrediente naturale de la diverse companii: Apidermin, Gerovital, Cosmetic Plant (alte game) cumparate de regula de la plafar precum si creme mai scumpe si nu la fel de naturale si nu am gasit niciuna care sa ma multumeasca pe erau prea grase, ba nu erau suficient de hidratante, ba aveau alcool si parabeni sau prea mult asa mai departe...

Pana acum! Pot spune cu mana pe inima ca aceasta crema este perfect echilibrata pentru tenul meu mixt...imi ofera suficienta hidratare pe parcursul zilei fara sa imi incarce tenul sau sa lase o pelicula grasa. Se absoarbe imediat in piele, are un miros placut si discret, pielea mea nu luceste pe frunte, nu se descuameaza pe obraji si lateralele fruntii si aceasta senzatie de hidratare se mentine pe tot parcursul zilei. Ba chiar am observat o mica ameliorare in ceea ce priveste secretia de sebum in exces in zona T.

Ingredientele principale sunt cu siguranta cunoscute de toata lumea:

Uleiul de masline - care nu lipseste din rutina mea de demachiere seara fiind pt mine cel mai mult demachiant care exista. Topeste orice urma de machiaj si ofera o baza foarte buna pentru exfoliere. Este foarte hidratant si hranitor insa pentru un ten gras si mixt nu poate substitui crema fiind prea gras si greu pentru porii deja incarcati de sebum. Uleiul de masline contine atat de multe vitamine printre care voi enumera vitaminele A, B1, B2, C, D, E, K, precum si fier si multe alte ingrediente care fac din acesta unul dintre cele mai cunoscute si utilizate produse in cosmetica de-a lungul timpului.
Catina - un produs extrem de important pentru organism. Are un continut foarte mare de vitamina C, esentiala pentru acel aspect sanatos si radiant al pielii si este un puternic antioxidant ajutand pielea in lupta zilnica cu radicalii liberi.

Pretul acestei creme este mai mult decat rezonabil si accesibil (10 lei pt 50ml) si eu folosesc aceasta crema atat ziua cat si seara, dar seara aplic si ulei de argan in zona ochilor si putin pe obraji pt extra hidratare dupa exfolierea de seara.

O recomand cu incredere fetelor cu ten normal spre mixt!

Sper ca v-a fost de folos aceasta postare si veti da o sansa acestei creme :)
Va pup!

Friday, March 9, 2012

My 2 cents: Syoss Heat Protect Styling Spray

Hello ladies!

Yesterday was the international women's day so I want to start by sending you a big hug and a kiss and wishing you a warm sunny spring filled with joy, happiness and laughter! :)

Now for the review part...I wanned to look really pretty yesterday so I decided to curl my hair... This usually is a nightmare for me because my curls don't normally hold more than 1-2 hours. However since I discovered the Syoss Heat Protect Styling Spray this has changed completely. My curls have stayed in place yesterday and after sleeping on them they are still almost the same (WOW) :D 

SYOSS Heat Protect

This is such a cheap (around 7 $) yet very effective product like nothing I've ever seen before! I've tried using mousse, hair spray, heatless rollers, straightener, curling iron...everything except hot rollers (they are on my whishlist) but nothing would make my curls hold for more than 2 hours max. 

I initially bought this product just as a heat protective spray because I blow dry my hair every other day and I use  hot tools maybe 2-4 times a month (I try my best not to over process my extremely thin, dyed and damaged hair too much) and so this was a surprise for see my curls in place even the next day after sleeping on them was beyond my wildest imagination :)

The spray is said to help protect your hair against heat up to 200 degrees C but since my hair is naturally straight and very thin I rarely go that far.

I highly recommend this product to all of you out there that have thin hair that just doesn't hold curls for the life of it and want a 2 in 1 product that helps protect your hair as well as hols your waves/curls in place for hours and hours.

This is the look I wore yesterday (YES I like to pose :D:D)

And this is how my hair looked this morning when I woke up:

I am very impressed with this product!
Have you tried this? How did it work for you?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My 2 cents: Rimmel Wake me up concealer

Hello ladies!

Today I wanned to share with you my experience with the new concealer from Rimmel London. The "collection" if you can really call it that has 2 products: a foundation that I'm gonna buy in the future - because I have a few that I just opened - so I only picked up the second product the concealer.
The concealer comes in 2 shades: 010 and 030 and in the swatch I made in the store on my hand the difference isn't that obvious.

It retails at about 7$ so I wasn't expecting much from it but it said on the little tube that it's their first full coverage concealer and I decided to give it a try since I was out of concealer and in desperate need of a new one. 
Here are my thoughts and opinions on this product:

  • Medium coverage
  • Light weight formula
  • It does indeed instantly brighten the under eye area
  • Blended well it doesn't crease even if you don't set it with powder but it wear off very fast
  • Set with powder doesn't look cakey and lasts longer
  • I use it on my oily lids as well and doesn't crease even if it's not set with powder
  • Can be used to cover blemishes but since it's liquid it's a medium coverage and you can't really build it up without looking cakey
  • The 030 matches my skin very well
  • Very affordable
  • You get a pretty good amount of product too : 7ml / 0.23 fl.oz


  • It only comes in 2 shades and unless you are (like me) very lucky to be a match to your skin you can't really use this concealer other than underneath your eyes in a very very thin coat but then where's the purpose in that (?!)
  • If you are in a hurry and you pull out the doe-foot applicator too fast from the tube you're bound to ge a blob either on your clothes, floor or vanity
  • It wears off pretty easy even if you set it with powder so you have to retouch it through out the day
  • It's not full coverage as the company claims

OVERALL      8/10

I believe it's so far the only concealer that hasn't creased on my oily eyelids or my fine lines underneath the eyes if applied in a very thin coat and blended well but as far as coverage goes... it's not bad but it's not full coverage either. Unless I find something better in the meantime, I might purchase this again once I finish this one.

Hope you found this helpful!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

NOTD: Daisies Popping in Grass

Hello ladies!

This is my first NOTD for Spring 2012! I'm so excited for this awful weather to finally get warmer and have plenty of sun and colorful little flowers everywhere! And take long walks in the park! Ohhh how I've waited for I decided to celebrate this season with a colorful and very cheerful design of bigger and smaller daisies on a grassy-like green :D

I used:

  • Gabrini no 401 (green base)
  • Acrylic paints in: white, yellow and pink
  • Small detail brush
  • Top coat
Hope you liked it!
Have a sunny and colorful spring!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Experienta mea cu Mya

Hey girls!

   Azi voi avea o postare complet in limba romana pentru ca vreau sa va vorbesc despre un site din Romania, asa cum reiese si din titlu, si anume Mya Shop.

   Vrea sa mentionez inca de la inceput ca NU sunt platita sa fac un review, nu mi s-au oferit produse, este simpla si onesta mea opinie dupa comanda primita in urma cu 2 zile (voi face un alt post despre produs).

   Am profitat saptamana trecuta de o mica reducere la paletele Sleek si cum imi doream de ceva vreme sa le incerc am decis ca este momentul sa imi comand paleta Storm. La momentul comenzii nu mi-a fost inregistrata reducerea insa am citit pe pagina lor de Facebook ca daca intampinam probleme/erori vor aplica ei reducerea la expedierea comenzii. Toate bune si frumoase, am primit coletul dupa 3-4 zile ca de obicei cu posta romana si cand am ajuns acasa l-am deschis extrem de entuziasmata, insa nu ma prevazusem ceea ce urmeaza:

   Cand am deschis cutia, totul era ambalat intr-o hartie roz-violet foarte dragutz prinsa cu un sticker alb asa cum vazusem prin haul-urile fetelor din America in filmulete pe youtube...

   Dupa "socul" initial - datorat nu faptului ca aceasta mica atentie ar fi ceva iesit din comun, ci mai degraba faptului ca nu sunt chiar o "incepatoare" cand vine vorba de comenzi online, merg de mai multe ori pe luna la posta sa ridic cate o comanda si pana acum niciun site din Romania nu mi-a lasat o impresie buna in ceea ce priveste aceste mici detalii care, daca e sa fim sincere fetelor, chiar conteaza destul de mult ;) - am trecut la "stratul urmator" care a fost si acesta diferit fata de ce era obisnuita (hartiile mototolite sau bucati de ziar indesate - sau in cel mai bun caz acele bucatele de expandat)...

   Iar sub acestea era paletuta mea Sleek invelita foarte atent in plasticul acela cu bule pentru a preveni spargerea fardurilor... Dar ce credeti? Surprizele nu se opresc aici!

   Paletuta avea legata in jurul ei o panglica mica albastra care semana cu o fundita nici prea mare nici prea mica, suficienta incat sa arate interesul si atentia fata de clienti. De asemenea puteti vedea si cartonasul roz cu datele siteului si cu o multumire pentru comanda.

   Poate voua nu vi se par atat de speciale aceste mici atentii insa eu sunt genul de persoana careia daca ii ambalezi cadoul intr-un mod dragutz sau il pui intr-o cutiuta frumoasa se va bucura mai mult de ambalaj :D 
  Asta sunt si n-am ce face, iar experienta mea de pana acum cu comenzile din tara si din afara imi permite sa compar serviciile din Romania cu cele de peste hotare, iar siteul Mya Shop a fost sincer singurul care s-a ridicat la inaltimea asteptarilor mele, motiv pentru care sunt sigura ca voi prefera sa cumpar produse Sleek de aici desi sunt si alte magazine online care le comercializeaza in tara noastra.

As fi tare tare curioasa care sunt experientele voastre 
cu magazinele online din Romania si care este preferatul 

Va pup!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

TAG: Latura ta ascunsa (preluat de la LadyDivine)

Buna fetelor!

Azi am decis sa fac un TAG preluat de la LadyDivine dupa ce aseara am urmarit filmuletul in care ea raspundea acestor intrebari si mi s-a parut interesant pentru ca astfel afli lucruri care in mod normal nu isi au locul in videourile de beauty si simt ca au oarecum menirea de a te apropia de persoana pe care o urmaresti.

Iata intrebarile si raspunsurile mele:

1.  Cum te-au poreclit cei din familia ta ?

Pfff numele meu e Adriana insa de mica o parte a familiei mele mi-a spus Adelica...stiu ca a pornit ca o gluma de la melodia Adelin insa intre timp a devenit Adelica...

2.  Ce obicei ciudat ai?

Nu sunt sigura daca am unul sau pur si simplu nu-mi aduc aminte acum insa de exemplu atunci cand vreau sa merg la cumparaturi (nu de alimente) imi fac o lista cu ce mi-as dori sa imi cumpar (de regula minim 10 lucruri) si apoi le ierarhizez in functie de urgenta/importanta si incep sa le tai pe cele de la coada pentru a nu cadea in tentatii si a-mi lua cele mai necesare lucruri la acel moment :D

3.  Ce fobii ciudate ai?

Ahhh gandacii...orice forma, culoare, marime ma scot din ii pot omori pt ca nu pot sa ma apropii la mai mult de 30 cm de regula incep sa tremur, tip si fug :)))

4.  Care este piesa pe care iti place sa dansezi cand esti singura?

Nu cred ca am una, daca sunt singura si am chef de dansat dau televizorul pe mtv la maxim si ma dezlantui :D

5.  Care este lucrul care te scoate cel mai mult din sarite?

Oamenii ipocriti...oamenii care ii vorbesc mereu pe ceilalti pe la spate insa niciodata nu ar recunoaste in fata ca i-a deranjat ceva sau ca au vreun repros, eu fiind genul care spune verde in fata cand ma nemultumeste ceva sau macar tin pentru mine...

6.  Care este ticul tau cand esti emotionata?

Rad prosteste si vorbesc mult si repede :))

7.  Pe care parte a patului dormi?

Dreapta (la margine)

8.  Care a fost numele primului animal de plus?

Detest animalele de le-am suportat niciodata si i-am spus iubitului meu dupa cateva intalniri (bine, stia deja pt ca am fost intai f buni prieteni) ca daca imi ia vreodata ceva de plus "i-l rup de cap" :D

9.  Care este bautura pe care o comanzi MEREU de la Starbucks?

Caramel Macchiato si sunt o impatimita a cafelei si in special a celei Starbucks dar din nefericire nu am unul aproape de casa sau facultate asa ca ma rezum la iesiri in oras/mall...

10. Care este regula de beauty pe care o predici, dar nu o respecti?

Sa nu imi ating fata in timpul zilei! O consider regula de aur in beauty si o predic mereu insa eu ma trezesc tot timpul ca ma scarpin sau ma gandesc cu fata sprijinita in palma :(

11. Cum stai in dus?

In mare parte cu spatele spre dus :)

12. Ai talente ascunse?

Nu am niciun talent special si am suferit mult cand eram copil din cauza aceasta, crezand ca nu sunt deloc speciala :))

13. Care este mancarea daunatoare dar preferata a ta?

Offff pot sa ma abtin de la chopstix sau kfc uneori :( in schimb nu ma atrag deloc dulciurile...pot avea munti de prajituri in fata si sa nu ma tenteze deloc...

14. Care este fraza sau ce exclami de obicei?

:)) Nu cred ca o pot posta aici dar este una destul de urata :( incerc sa ma dezvat de ea dar este un tic enervant si deloc stragator la o fata... (nu este o injuratura :D)

15. E timpul sa te culci-cu ce esti imbracata?

Pantaloni foarte largi si comozi si o bluza/maieu suport bluzele largi pentru ca se rasucesc noaptea pe mine si ma trezesc in toiul noptii sufocata :))

Abia astept sa vad cine ce mai raspunde la acest tag! 
Lasati linkul intr-un comment daca ati facut acest tag!

Va pup!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Home Made: Toner

Hello ladies!

   We all probably know that toner is essential in our daily skin care routine but some of us skip it either because we don't see the point in spending money on it, or we've had bad experience with some in the past and this is most likely because probably 70% or so of the toners out there on the market the ones you find in any store and that are somewhat cheap contain a significant amount of alcohol in them. Alcohol dries up the skin thus it is present in most toners for combination to oily skin (and even in some of the ones for dry skin!!) because it gives the false impression that it helps control the oils, when in reality it actually makes the skin produce even more oil because it dries the skin on the surface making it believe it has to produce more to compensate and moisturize the top layers.

   If you've faced this problem but you still want to use a toner to further cleanse your face to make sure you have absolutely no residue on your face before you apply your moisturizer well keep on reading.

   For the past 2 months I started using what I call my own home made toner which is really easy to to, is extremely cheap and I assure you will not dry your skin and you can adjust the contents to match your skin type.

You will need:
  • Tea bags: any tea bag is essentially good but you can try: mint for oily skin, mint+chamomile for combination skin, chamomile for normal to dry skin.

  • Water (tap or bottled)
  • Kettle
  • Apple cider vinegar (just for oily & combination skin) - or just lemon juice

  • Empty bottle/container - preferably with a spray cap

  • You have to make a very concentrated tea (2-3 bags of tea for a medium size cup of water) : just boil the water, put the tea bags in, cover it and let it sit over night.
  • In the morning you can pour the tea in the clean spray bottle and decide whether you want to use apple cider vinegar or not. If you want to use this as more than a toner, as a finishing spray over your makeup then don't use the vinegar because you can't apply it on your eye area; however if you only want this as a toner then I strongly recommend using a tea spoon of vinegar (or lemon juice) for combination and oily skin.
   This home made toner will give you the extra cleansing, will finish your skin care routine at night when you take your makeup off without drying your skin in any way and over time will help you with the excess oil that your skin produces.

Remark: You might find the smell of the vinegar somewhat disturbing but I assure you it doesn't stay on your skin. However if you can't stand the smell just skip this step and stick to the tea.

   You may also add a little bit of HONEY to the water after you boiled it before adding the tea bags to ensure that it adds a little bit of antibacterial properties to your toner if you have acne problems!

   I like to use this at the end of my skin care routine at night after taking off my makeup and I keep 2 bottles: one with apple cider vinegar which I use with a cotton pad to remove any residue makeup and one  containing just tea that I use after the previous one, let it dry on it's own then apply moisturizer and got to bed.
   A container of this toner should last you at least a good 2 weeks. I don't recommend keeping it more since it is very cheap and you can afford making a new fresh bottle pretty often to ensure you get the most out of the tea's properties.

Hope you find this useful and give it a try!
Let me know hot it works for you guys!